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Wooden Surface

Crime Trend Alert:

Bicycle Thefts

Bicycle thefts have increased in recent weeks. Apartment complexes, townhome areas, and other high occupancy dwelling areas are being targeted by thieves. The most recent cases involve locks being cut from secured bikes and the bikes are being stolen.


Recommendations to Protect your Bicycle:

  • If you don't have to leave your bike outside (on the porch or on a bike rack), bring it in the garage or the home and keep the doors locked

  • Use a high quality theft resistant lock if you have to leave the bike outside

  • If you leave the bike outside leave outside lights on during hours of darkness

  • If your garage door opener is stolen, change the code on the opener so the stolen one can't be used to open the garage

Be cautious and careful. Don't become a crime victim!


If you have any information about these cases, please contact the Douglas County Sheriff's Office Tip Line at 303-784-7800.

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